
Launched in 2008 by former Apple engineering manager Dave Howell and an intrepid band of insanely creative innovators eager to dive into the brave new world of mobile apps, Avatron quickly became a leader among productivity app developers.

The company’s first app, Air Sharing, was downloaded one million times in its first two weeks in the App Store, at a time when there were only five million iPhones in the world, and was the #1 Top Grossing iPhone app at its inception. Air Sharing was a sort of Finder (that’s File Explorer if you’re stuck on Windows) for the iPhone and iPod touch. Air Sharing was named as Apple’s first App of the Week as well as the first app Apple named twice as App of the Week, and was covered breathlessly by the Wall Street JournalNew York TimesUSA Today, countless local newspapers and radio stations, WiredDaring Fireball, and many other news outlets.

Avatron’s second product, Air Display, was the first app that successfully allowed an iPad to be used as a wireless computer monitor. Air Display rose to the #1 overall Top Grossing iPad app in 2010, and consistently ranked between #1 and #3 Top Grossing iPad app in the Productivity category for several years, despite never being featured by Apple in any major regional market. Avatron released Air Display apps on iOS, Android, macOS, Windows, and Samsung Bada, with host software on macOS and Windows.