Big Air Display sale, some app updates


It has been months—way too long—since our last Avatron Newsletter. Now we have a whole mess of announcements:

Big Air Display Sale

We are running our first ever sale on Air Display in the iOS App Store. For a limited time starting right now, the sale prices (in US$) are:
Air Display 3:  $9.99
Air Display 2:  $7.99
Air Display 3 Upgrade: $4.99*
*Assuming you purchased Air Display 2 for the regular price of $9.99.

Get it now, while the sale lasts!

App Updates

Air Display 2

Air Display 2

Air Display 2 is live again in the App Store. For Windows users, Air Display 2 is the latest compatible version of Air Display.

Air Display 3 Upgrade Bundle

Air Display 3 Upgrade Bundle

The Air Display 3 Upgrade app bundle is back in the App Store too. Now Mac users can upgrade from Air Display 2 to Air Display 3 for $5 US. Windows users: if you accidentally bought Air Display 3, you can get this app bundle to downgrade to Air Display 2 for free too.

Air Display 3

Air Display 3

The latest version of Air Display 3 (version 3.0.3) is live now. Update now to get these new features:

  • IPAD PRO: Now the biggest iPad device ever is a wicked fast HiDPI Mac monitor. We added the new 12.9″ iPad Pro resolutions (Normal, Retina, & HiDPI).
  • APPLE PENCIL: This stylus is just the coolest thing. Now you can draw in your favorite Mac OS X app with your shiny new Apple Pencil.
  • PRESSURE: Pressure sensitivity was broken on iOS 9. We fixed it!
  • iOS 7: Version 3.0.2 had a nasty habit of crashing on iOS 7. We found that bug and squished it dead.

Air Sharing

After eight years in the App Store, with some nostalgic sadness we finally retired our first app, the venerable Air Sharing. Sales were slow, and there were free alternatives. And it was just a godawful amount of gnarly old code to maintain. Air Sharing users, thank you so much for your support over the years! We love you.

Air Connect

Air Connect

Air Connect is free again. We charged for it for a while, but decided that it’s cleaner to just give away the free app and charge for remote access. If you have multiple Mac computers, you really should get a copy of Air Connect so you can connect them and access your files and screens remotely. Just visit to download Air Connect.

As always, if you have any questions please write to us at support@ We love hearing from you!