We have lots of news since our last newsletter.
Starting right now, Air Display 3 is on sale in the iTunes App Store. The regular price is $14.99 (US). But you can Get Air Display 3 Now for just $4.99, while the sale price lasts.
Air Display turns your iPad into an extra monitor for your Mac. And you can use an Apple Pencil to draw into your favorite pressure-sensitive Mac app.
The current iOS version of Air Display is Air Display 3. Air Display 2 is no longer available in the App Store. Consequently neither is the Air Display 3 Upgrade app bundle. Air Display 3 only connects to a macOS host. So for now anyway, sorry Windows users; we don’t have an iOS app that can connect to your PC. Supporting the myriad PC configurations was just more complicated and expensive than we could justify.
That said, we have some exciting new directions for Air Display! Watch for more news on that in the months to come. We’re embarrassingly giddy about this. It’s going to be fantastic.
Apps for musicians, by musicians
Our founder, Dave Howell, has launched a new company called Muphos. Muphos is dedicated to making music apps. Watch this space; we’ll keep you posted about Muphos’s adventure. Please subscribe to the Muphos newsletter separately for more in-depth news about its apps.
The first Muphos app is called “Christmas Carol Book.” Submitted to iTunes today, it’s in Apple’s review queue and with any luck will be live before Christmas. Fingers are crossed. Created for singers and pianists, this app lets you select from hundreds of carols, hymns, and piano compositions, and view sheet music on your iPad. You can annotate the music with an Apple Pencil or with your finger, and you can export songs via email, print, or messages, or open the songs in another app.
If you want to play or sing holiday songs this season, and would like to be notified when Christmas Carol Book goes live in the App Store, again, please sign up for the Muphos newsletter today.
Retiring Air Login & Air Connect
In order to better focus on our core apps and exciting future directions, we’ve retired Air Login and Air Connect. We had huge hopes for this service, which allowed you to connect back to your computer from anywhere, to access its files, control its screen, and use the command line, among other things. But sales were slow and we were spending more on the server than we were making in subscriptions, so we have removed Air Connect from our website and Air Login from the App Store. We pushed them gently to sea and wished them a fond godspeed.
Thank you for your support over the years if you contributed to our Everydisk project on Kickstarter or purchased the Air Login app. It was an ambitious experiment and we couldn’t have done it without your help.
As always, if you have any questions please write to us at support@avatron.com. We love hearing from you!